Subway Ads That Make You Thinx

by sparks & honey team

Not content to blow people’s minds with the news that (gasp!), many women get their periods every month via their unapologetic period panties subway ads, Thinx brand CEO Miki Agrawal unveiled a new ad. This time, it features model Sawyer DeVuyst, a transgender man who still gets his period.

“We thought it was high time that people see a menstruating trans man 10 feet tall in the subway,” Agrawal told Bustle magazine.“ Just as with any of our other campaigns, it’s going to be a little jarring to have it plastered all over somewhere as bustling as Union Square, but that’s what it takes to break taboos.”

The taboo she is referring to, of course, is the one that would blur the binary categories male and female, conventionally defined by anatomy and gendered biological phenomenon such as menstruation.

But if gender is a social construct, dependent on how you identify rather than on anatomical attributes, then you can be a man who menstruates. We refer to this Gender Reset as blurred ID, when multifarious genders on a spectrum trump a binary notion of gender.